We all know summer is almost over. However, we still have a few weeks to do some upgrades in our house, and even better, save some money on electric bills. Keep reading to learn what to do in the hottest season of the year, because for sure, you don’t want to be sweating and stressed out with the sky-high electric bill.
- Implement Passive Design Strategies
You might be wondering what passive design strategies are, don’t worry, we will explain it to you! These consist of strategies you apply in your home to keep it comfortable and healthy. To do that, use natural elements, for example, planting trees and installing overhangs are some things you can do to lighten the load of your AC.
- Window Unit or Central Air Conditioning
A window unit air conditioner doesn’t have a high entry cost as the central AC, you can find units around $500. Another advantage is that if one of the ACs breaks, you still have the others to cool down the house, but if the central unit breaks, all the house is going to be affected. In contrast, the central AC is a permanation addition to the house, which adds value to the property.
- Property Size AC
It is important to know that if you have an oversized or an undersized AC in your home, they are not going to work efficiently. Measure the right size AC when you are shopping, it is essential. Plus, if you’re planning on buying a new one or switching your AC, you should do your research before to make sure you’re buying the most efficient model.
- Insulation
Add insulation to keep the cool air inside the house, which will help save on the electric bill, since the AC will not be turning on all the time. If you need more reasons, if you need to open the walls to install more insulation, it’s better to do this on warm days than on cool ones.
- Upgrade Your Windows
Energy-efficient windows can make a huge difference in your house when it comes to keeping the house cool and not letting the heat in. If replacing the windows are not in your budget, you can add Low E Film to minimize the solar heat gain.
- Paint the Roof White
This idea was proposed by Steven Chu, former U.S. Secretary of Energy and a Nobel prize-winning scientist. Painting your roof white makes the light and heat bounce back upward. This means you will save a lot of money on electric bills.
- Aware of moisture Problem
In the summer, it is time to know if your basement has some moisture issues. If it has, we have a blog series about basements, so look it up here to know more about it. Additionally, it is time to check the outside parts of your house, like drain pipes, cracked foundation walls, and ground sloping towards the house.
Now you have all the information about what is important to do in the summertime. Take advantage of these few weeks of heat and do the work with no excuses. Saving money makes everyone happy!
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