
Do you know what a house wrap is?

16 de November de 2021
Hummingbird Group

The construction field is so vast that we always have something new to learn. That is great, right!? Today, we are looking at house wraps.  If you have never built a house for yourself, you possibly don’t know about this. Let’s see where the house wrap goes in the building process.

 It is a paper, fabric, or board material that covers the exterior sheathing of the walls to protect the wall framing. The house wrap serves to insulate the wall — it will create a barrier when the water gets behind the siding and will not allow the water to enter the wall cavity. 

The house wrap permits the water vapor to pass through and still protect the structure. It has many types and each one has its own way to be installed.  

The house wrap is water-resistant that you install with the purpose to prevent moisture from entering into the wall cavity from the outside. This is not impermeable or waterproof, because the moisture has to be able to pass through, and if not, it can stay in the house causing rot and mold. 

Today, we learned about house wraps. Keep following our blog to know more about this. Next week, we will look at the types of house wraps!